
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Legacy

Today is my grandmother's 100th birthday and I celebrate a woman that loves God. As I rubbed my grandmother's feet after her birthday party on Saturday I wondered for a moment where those feet had been. Born 100 years ago in the Dominican Republic. I would venture to say 'Abuelita' or as we call her 'Mami Bartola' has walked many miles.

As I sat there I wondered about her journey as a wife and then a mother of 6 and 2 that had gone to heaven. I know her 'walk' wasn't easy but she never allowed the difficulty of her journey to cause her to stop. After working hard with her husband (Papa Zebin) to make a living in the family store (El Colmado) in Santo Domingo, they were able to enjoy the fruits of the labor.

Vacations to the DR were always fun as we made many memories. I'll never forget all the grandkids running to the kitchen in the early morning when they'd hear the blender.....Abuela was making "batida de lechosa" (Papaya milkshake). Sitting on the rocking chair on the front porch listening to stories after stories seems so much richer now.

Proverbs talks so much about WISDOM. It's one thing to have knowledge but it's entirely another to walk in that knowledge and have a life, a legacy a heritage that portrays the wisdom that has been walked out. To have a 100 year old grandmother that lives it......To have a mother that invaluable to me!!

So what would she tell you after 100 years? "Love the Lord Your God with all Your Heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself." This has been her 'mantra' for years!!

So what is her deepest desire? "That her 5 generations.....would come to know, love and serve Jesus."

May it be said of us that we have left clear footprints for those to come.......

Psalm 71: 17-18
Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.

Happy 100th Birthday Abuela!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Power of ONE

20 years ago when my husband and I founded Lifechurch (then Church on The Move) we would have only dreamed of the impact this community of Christ Followers would have. Ordinary people working together to do EXTRAordinary things.

Ordinary individuals mobilized to impact their communities, their region......their world.......the world.

To see the lives that are transformed, restored and "redeemed" is amazing. Our mission has been that the power of God enables ordinary people to have an extraordinary life and impact.

A personal story........

Our 21 yr. old daughter, Natalie, a junior at Eastern University, was so moved by the plight of a group of children with special needs that she volunteered to lead her first missions trip to Haiti this past Tuesday. Natalie is not unfamiliar to Haiti, this is her 4th trip. Neither is she unfamiliar with having a sister with special needs....this has been her reality for 18 years.
The earthquake left an already povertry stricken country immobilized. But to add the physical and mental challenges that these children have seems unsurmountable.
Natalie felt with the resources she had, people she knew that would be moved and the compassion in her heart she could do something and she did...............

Watch the story of ordinary people making a big difference

So the next time you think what's in your hand is "small" and can't make a difference, think about this story. The small 'thing' in your hands may be enormous in the eyes of someone else that needs it!!

Pastor Maribel

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Graduation of a Champion

“Olivia Landis”
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eighteen years ago well meaning doctors could not forsee this day. “There are institutions where your daughter can be taken” one doctor said.” They just didn’t know Olivia Landis.

They didn’t know she was going to be one of the strongest young ladies they’d ever seen. They didn’t know that she’d be so resilient and courageous and fight against the odds. They didn’t know she would be someone that would not be satisfied with people telling her “Olivia you can’t do that.” If anything, those words would serve as fuel for her perseverance.

Today I witnessed one of the most inspiring events. Olivia sat there at Stabler Arena amongst 691 Emmaus High School Seniors that she would graduate with. These were peers that though she didn’t know their names, they knew her. They had seen her grow from a 9th grader that needed her aide to take her room to room to a 12th grader that “could do it all on her own”. That in itself is not an easy feat given the size of Emmaus High School.

As Olivia approached the stage we could see she just couldn’t contain herself. Her smile covered her face. The skip in her step was one of elation….. she had done it against the odds. And now, just like any other ‘typical’ student she was going to walk across that stage proud and with her head held high.

What took place in that arena will forever be engrained in my mind. As they said her name….. “OLIVIA VICTORIA LANDIS” she began to lift her hands above her head similar to runners who cross the finish line. With her diploma in hand she continued to lift her hands over her head as if taking her “victory lap”. The place was filled with clapping, shouting and even blow horns (people we didn’t know had the blow horns :) ). As she proceeded down the aisle to her seat, she was giving “high fives” to her peers that stretched out their hands to her.

Cheers were from both family and friends and those who didn’t know her. One thing they did know in that moment was “here is someone that although she was not valedictorian or graduated with honors she was truly a champion."

As the cheers went on people asked “who is she”? They wondered who would get such applause and cheers.

Over the last 18 years I’ve come to know Olivia Victoria Landis, not just as my daughter but as a “special individual”. One thing I know for sure……….. She Has The Heart of a Champion.

It’s a true honor to be called her Mom!!!
Maribel Landis ("
Olivia’s Mom”)

Congrats Livey….you are an EHS 2010 Graduate!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Seasons

".........and to think 18 years ago the Doctor told me I could institutionalize my daughter Olivia." Times have changed. Seasons have passed. Wisdom and understanding have given hope to the future of many, specifically those with Special Needs. Truly we can't change the past, but we can sure help to shape the future.

No way would we institutionalize our daughter. Our gift!!! She may have come wrapped in a different wrapping paper than we anticipated, but she was (and is) still a gift.

Eighteen years have passed. And here she is a Senior at Emmaus High School, getting ready to go to her Senior Prom. Thank you for all those who believed with us that this day was possible!!

She is beautiful, happy, loving, caring, bright, compassionate, a great dancer, determined, a worshipper, funny, resiliant and the list can go on. Though she will graduate in June, she will continue to attend Emmaus as a post graduate preparing for adult transition. Her passion and gift is working with children, which she is presently doing at school with the Work Based Learning and also at church in the Children's Ministry. We are so proud of her. We believe in her and her purpose.

It's a New Season and we believe Olivia will continue to grow and surpass expectations and limitations....... We thank God for His faithfulness!

Go 'Liv
EHS '10

Love Mom and Dad

Friday, April 30, 2010

Build Bridges then Lead the Way

Last Night Lifechurch was filled to beyond capacity. Over 1000 young people were in attendance to remember Maxwell Rivera's life. The grief and sense of loss was profound. But an amazing thing happened.......The grief and pain in those young people's heart was confronted by the powerful and genuine love of God. They couldn't deny His presence.

Some are asking for leaders to rise up and I would say "look around the room." Last night on the platform, down the aisles and in the seats were teen leaders, counselors, school administrators, parents, educators and student worship
leaders. They have been and will continue to lead the way. Perhaps this will cause an awakening in the hearts of others to "follow the lead." Or perhaps this will cause generations to link arms tighter and 'build bridges' because never has and never will one generation do it alone!

Psalm 71 reflects David's desire and yearning to pass down to the Next Generation what he has seen God do in His life. The amplified reads:

17-24 You got me when I was an unformed youth, God, and taught me everything I know. Now I'm telling the world your wonders; I'll keep at it until I'm old and gray. God don't walk off and leave me until I get out the news of your strong right arm to this world, news of your power to the world yet to come, Your famous and righteous ways, O God. God, you've done it all! Who is quite like you?

That is my life chapter....God use my life until I'm old and gray to show your greatness!! May I make You famous!! To think that in that very sanctuary that was once a Wesleyan College Gym, I stood as a teenager worshipping God during a concert. Now many years later I stand there again with hundreds of young people crying out to God. Who would have thought the Lords plans would have been to use my husband and I to lead the way in making this a place of hope and light to the next generation. WOW!!!!

Last night was like none I'd ever seen....though Nicky Cruz had told us of similar times he had experienced. The weeping was intense in that room...... a cry of grief, a cry of hopelessness mixed with cries of surrender and brokeness. Though tragedy brought them to that room it was the love and realness of God that had captured their hearts. It was undeniable........not man but Jesus!!

I spoke with an educator that has a long history in the Bethlehem area. He stated "we are all so grateful for Lifechurch and it's people for providing a haven for these young people to go. When I was growing up and something like this happened we had nowhere to go, we all had to grieve on our own. Thank you Lifechurch!!"

May we continue to lead the way........... We may not be where we should be, but we sure are not where we were. Every generation will do "their part". I'm endeavoring to do mine while I'm still here. And when I'm gone may the Next Generation say "She led well."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fighting for Generations

Two Years ago on Mother’s Day…..I shared a message on the State of the Church amongst generations. I went on to say:

“…..Why must we turn the tide? And why is it so crucial that we capture the hearts of this generation, the Millenial Generation? What’s at stake?

Perhaps the statistics shared by Dr. Sweet that of the 330,000 churches in America 75% are not growing or are declining. Of the remaining 25%, 24% are growing from what is called ‘transfer growth, believers that go to another church for what ever reason. The remaining 1% is growing from ‘New Growth’….unbelievers coming to Christ.

You see I believe we live in an unprecedented time in History. Never has a generation been more at risk. It’s the 1st time in Modern History that over ½ of the worlds population is under the age of 20. The “Faith” that was once in the hand of 65% World War II Christians was passed down to 35% Baby Boomers, which in turn was handed down to only 16% Gen X’ers. Unless the tide turns this decline will continue to a slim 4% of Millennials (ages 18-29).”

The front page of yesterday’s USA Today read, “There is a decline in church attendance amongst young adults.” It stated that young adults felt as though faith was irrelevant in today’s world.

Research has found that young people are committed to churches not built for them but built by them. Around the country, Millennials are flocking to churches that:
-Are led by authentic leaders
-Embrace technology
-Include night services (even weeknight small groups)
-Serve the poor and suffering
-Strive for community
-Encourage creativity
-Allow young leaders to lead at the highest levels

Last night I had the opportunity to rehearse with a group of the most amazing young people (Millenials). As part of the Lifechurch Student Worship (LCSW) they passionately and unashamedly worshipped their God. Growing strong in their musical skills and grounded in their faith they have “stepped” up and want to be the first to impact their generation. They aren’t so much interested in religion or the traditions of man as they are in a vibrant relationship with Jesus.

Tonight at the Memorial Service for Maxwell Rivera they have an opportunity to bring comfort through Worship to many of their friends who have lost a peer because of a tragic event. Truly religion and the traditions of man can be found to be "powerless" in the face of deep grief.

May we continue to Fight for this Generation. May we pass down the Life and Principles of Jesus and may we help them become fully devoted followers of Christ that impact "their world".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You Have Not Passed This Way Before

New seasons come in all of our lives. This is a time when things change and what was once familiar looks different. Whether it’s a job, a house, a relationship, or a career----if you have not passed that way before, it’s new to you.

One of the biggest obstacles to accepting change is fear---- simply because we’ve never been there before. Many questions arise… “Do I go back to what was familiar, comfortable and safe or do I journey through the “unknown” on my way to my ‘next destination’?”

Many times during transition we feel pressure….mental, physical and even spiritual pressure. This pressure can actually work for us. The reality is with change comes a pressure that causes us to stretch. We stretch in our trust in God as we depend and rely more on Him. Our confidence is stretched as we focus more on our God-given purpose. Our faith is also stretched causing us to not give up but instead stay the course to our new destination.

You may be feeling “pressured” from all sides today. Let me encourage you to let the circumstances that could “suffocate” you to be the very situations that strengthen you and raise you to a new level…..